Ordering Information - Gallery Renee
Gallery Renee Is a website for the original art, fine art prints, and needlepoint canvases created by Renee Lichtman.
Renee can be contacted
by email or phone and by mail upon request.
Artist Sample Print Cards are provided to show potential buyers the quality and color of Renee's prints.
Order Renee Lichtman's art work on line by using the buttons associated with the art work you want.
The bellow are image examples of our shopping cart buttons.
Will place an order for the artist's original hand created art work
into your shopping cart. Please read the price, medium, and size of the art work
on the image information page. If you still have any questions contact the
artist. Not all images are available as originals. The image original may have
been sold or the image may have been created as a digital recomposition and not
have a hand created art work.
Will place an order for a limited edition print of the image
shown into your shopping cart. Prints on 13 x 19 inch papers are considered
smaller prints. Not all images are available in the small size.
Will place an order for a
large sized limited edition print of the image shown into your shopping cart.
Prints on 17 x 22 inch papers are considered larger prints. Not all images are
available in the large size.
Will place and order for a hand embellished print.
Will place an order for an
artist's sample print card into your shopping cart. All images except for comic
art and needlepoint canvases are available as sample print cards.
Allows you to see what you have in your shopping cart.
The shopping cart page you view has a return
button to bring you back to the page you came from. If you have not yet made a selection your cart will be empty.
If you have made a selection the cart will register this selection. If at any time you change your mind about an item in your cart
you may change the order quantity to zero and your cart will remove the item or again register as empty if that was the only item you selected.